Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies (Gluten Free!)

Good evening, sweet foodies!

Tonight’s recipe is so easy and so delicious- these cookies have become such a huge hit for me. I tried a gluten-free cookie recipe a while back while having dinner with my friend Stef (who has a gluten intolerance) and then I adapted them, and readapted, and readapted (you get the drill) until I made them my own. And I love them.

I made these yesterday and brought them to my gym tonight and everyone (mostly my coach) inhaled them. That’s what you call 100% athlete approved 😉

The best part? 58.5 calories per cookie. YEP. You heard right!

-4 tbs Dark Chocolate Dreams (available at Target)
-4 tbs (mixed with 2 tbs water) Dark Chocolate PB2 (it’s a powdered peanut butter that you mix with water- also available at Target)
-3 tbs egg whites
-1/8 cup honey
-1/2 tsp baking powder
**note: you can really adjust this recipe to meet your taste buds and needs. You can add a little more honey, you can do all peanut butter (you could do regular flavored peanut butter and add chocolate chips). It’s really easy to adjust it to your preference.

-preheat the oven to 325 degrees
-in a mixing bowl, mix together all ingredients and keep stirring until well-blended

-use a spoon and scoop out dollops onto a cookie sheet covered in parchment paper

-bake in the oven at 325 degrees for 10 minutes
-let cool on the cookie sheet for 10 minutes
**this step is VERY important, the cookies need a little extra time to solidify
-eat and enjoy!

These are so moist and fluffy- and such a great sweet treat without any guilt!

Nutrition Information:
serving size 1 cookie, recipe makes 10 cookies
-58.5 calories
-2.8g fat
-7g carbs
-2.5g protein

Try these out and post your photos on Instagram! Make sure you tag @laurenslovelyrecipes and #laurenslovelyrecipes with the post 🙂 Enjoy!

xo, Lauren

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